Throughout my time as the website/technology director, I have done many different design tasks from the website to poster. When I first joined the group in my junior year, Ka Mōʻī gave a very bland and basic look. The website needed a complete design, there was no flyers for newspaper distribution locations, black and white logo, etc. I under took two major design projects as my contribution to make Ka Mōʻī more vibrant and appealing.
My greatest pride and joy is the revamping of the website. I have revamped the website on multiple occasions throughout the year striving to always keep on improving. My goal has always been to make the website visually attractive and user-friendly. When I took over the website, I thought the design looked outdated and boring with the white background I changed the background to a colorful blue, changed the width of the widget area to make the user have a more immersive experience, utilized a two-column design compared to.a three-column design to make it easier to read and mobile-friendly. When I created the mobile app, I needed to revamp the website again because the layout of the website on the app was not to my liking. I switched widgets around to be a more strategic and smart layout from popular subjects, to less popular information. I have undergone 3 major revisions of the website with many minor changes to it.
I started and created the poster program that we have at Ka Mōʻī. During my senior year, I created the first poster for Ka Mōʻī in September to let students and teachers know where we distribute the monthly newspaper. Prior to taking over, only a few people knew where our newspapers were located. Before I joined the staff myself in my junior year, I didnʻt know where I could find copies of the new issue. I started the poster program as a way to help increase our visibility to the school and let people know where our newspapers are located. We normally make and hang new flyers once or twice ever quarter depending on the events occurring. Flyers have helped us with advertising the mobile app launch, locations of newspaper distribution, and to announce when our issues are coming out.